Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day cards

Father's Day cards for both my dad and my man dad. Both good men. I waited till last minute to make them. I wasn't sure if I was going to. I got all my packed boxes for moving in my craft room right now, so i eventually found a small space to create. Pretty good cards. I wish the tools weren't so delicate on father-in-law's card so I could have made them 3d. But the other one the boat and the car are 3d. Cute idea if you are not really sure what theme to put.
Make is simple, paper, tape (double sided), some stickers. I used a corner punch on the tool card on the silver part. I think they add a nice flare to the card. Tools were found from Stickopotamus, I believe. I actually got a card that fits perfectly in the envelope. My envelopes usually end up bigger than my cards. But, this time I got it a perfect size.

My Dad:

Father-in-law's card: