Friday, May 8, 2009

Wait till the manager comes back.

I know I have complained much about my job. The hours, what I have to do, how bored I am. And I am aware I complain way too much. But I realized today just how stressless this job can be. I am a floating (relief) manager. I go from store to store different days of the week. One day I could be over in Austell, another day I could be in Kennesaw. Changes everyday. I take the place of a manager so they can have a day off. Which is nice. I used to get paid for traveling, I don't anymore. But I am close to home now. I sit in a desk. I watch movies on slow days (which is everyday) I play pokemon on my ds or any other games I feel like playing. I get some work done some days. Do what the manager has left notes for me to do, and if I am on good terms with manager, I help out a bit, fix up their computer. I can clean windows, sweep and mop floors, paperwork. But that ususally doesn't last long.

Today, I had the elevator inspector come in the store to, well, inspect the elevators. I have dealt with the same guy before. He acts like everyone is an idiot and like someone put a roach in his coffee. He is mean. Last time, I gave him the info, he did his thing, and came back with paperwork. All I have to do is sign. Well, the store failed last time. And guess what? I don't have to do shit about it. I'm not the manager. I don't need to sit on the phone and get a tech to look at it, or have to call corp and tell them. And then have to re-schedule for the inspector to come back. All I have to do is sign the paper and leave it for the manager to take care of. Most, if not all important things are like that. Leave it for the manager. And it works for customers too. They don't to talk to the replacement, they want the real manager. Which works out in my case, cause most of the time if they want the manager, I don't want to deal with them anyway.

Yes, its a no brainer job that a trained monkey can do, but I got the job and I can sit and play games and watch movies and get paid. Take that.